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Kelly Sigler

Horses Think Your Horse Trailer is a "Scary Metal Cave on Wheels!"

Kelly SiglerFor people, taking your horse on a trip in the trailer seems like a perfectly normal and necessary task. For the horse, there is nothing natural or mundane about it. Kelly explained why many horses don't want to be anywhere near a horse trailer. "Horses are prey animals," Kelly stated, "and their instinct tells them NOT to get trapped –or they will be eaten. For that reason, horses are naturally very claustrophic. A trailer is the ultimate squeeze and claustrophobic.

"For Kelly Sigler, learning Natural Horsemanship
is well worth the time and effort >>

Sometimes it is also useful to consider the personality, or shall we say "horsenality" of your horse. The Parelli system divides horses' personality into four quadrants: introverted, extroverted, right-brained, and left-brained. Kelly explained that, "all horses need patience. A right-brained horse will need more time developing their confidence. A left-brained horse might not be frightened about going in the trailer, but you want to be careful not to act like a predator and force them in." She even cautioned that a "left-brained" horse can change into a "right-brained" horse! By identifying your horse's horsenality, you can better understand why they act the way that they do and decide what you can do to help them handle the situation.

Kelly's Top 5 Tips to Load Your Horse Onto the Trailer

Kelly offers these five tips to help your horse load on the trailer using the principles of Natural Horsemanship:

  1. Don't make it about the trailer at first. Have the horse find the area around the trailer as a "sweet spot" where they can relax. You can do this through 'approach and retreat' and allowing your horse to rest by the trailer. Have the horse approach the trailer calmly until they reach the point when they are uncomfortable and want to stop. Let them stand there for a moment and look around. Then lead them away from the trailer and repeat the process. Each time they should be able to approach the trailer a little bit closer. Eventually, they won't think being near the trailer is a big deal. Wait for your horse to be curious about the trailer.
  2. Wait for when they start to want to investigate and touch the trailer with their nose, and accept and reward the slightest try. When their confidence and curiosity is up, you may ask them to go on the trailer.
    Horses' natural instincts tell them that
    the trailer is a "trapped" and scary place.
    Kelly's tips can help overcome this fear >>
  3. Don't make them stay on the trailer. In the beginning, if they only get their front feet in, that is great! You want to be the one that asks them to back off. If they need to get off on their own, that is okay. If you ask them to back off, they will see you as a hero, and not a predator trying to make them squish into the scary metal cave on wheels.
  4. Gradually increase the time they can stay on the trailer. After they are comfortable staying there for at least one minute, start playing with the butt bar. It may help to tie a long string to the bar, so you don't get into a dangerous situation when you try to pick it up.
  5. Do 'approach and retreat' with the butt bar and door. Once the horse is fine with the butt bar touching them, you can practice securing it. Then do approach and retreat with the door. Always stay safe…Do not tie the horse unless they are good with tying. Do not tie the horse unless the door is secure and be sure to untie the horse before lowering the butt bar or opening the door.

Natural Horsemanship Can Be Part of Your Everyday Life

Use these tips to slowly build your horse's confidence around and on the trailer. Help them change their mentality of the trailer as a "scary metal cave on wheels" into simply another safe place to be. For Kelly, she prefers big open stock trailers for horses. She shared, "Horses can turn and be in what position they need to be. It is the least claustrophobic option and very inviting." Other custom horse trailers are available through Double D Trailers. Be sure to keep in mind Kelly's advice about visibility so that your horse does not feel closed in or trapped.

Kelly feels that a stock trailer is the best option for claustrophobic horses.

Double D Trailer
Stock Horse Trailer >>

Kelly's work with Parelli Natural Horsemanship has allowed her to help students far and wide. She hosts multiple clinics at her home farm as well as working with outside groups. In fact, she helps run an extremely valuable course with Tori and Justin McLeod of 4HFES and NCSMART, LLC who were featured in last month's blog article.

Kelly says, "The course that I do with Tori and Justin, in my opinion, should not only be mandatory for anyone running a barn, but anyone that has a horse!" This course focuses on the preparatory steps to help your horse react calmly in emergency situations. The prep work is all based on Natural Horsemanship.

Kelly truly believes in the work that she is doing. "Natural Horsemanship, I believe, is the best way to give a horse the best start in life. The principles of Natural Horsemanship not only help people be better with their horses, but other humans- it is life changing for the better!" Her work is very fulfilling, and she loves working with students who are motivated and willing to learn. As for the biggest challenge, she said the hardest thing for people to do is change. "Trying Natural Horsemanship is a leap – but worth it. Your horse and everyone in your life will thank you!"

Kelly Sigler is a 3 Star Parelli Professional -3

If you would like to learn more about Kelly Sigler, check out her website at or visit Pat Parelli's site to learn the basic principles of Natural Horsemanship.

Interview sourced from