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Top Tips for Preventing Scarring.

items a first time horse owner should include in a first aid kit.

Most horse owners will, at some point find themselves in a situation where their horse has injured itself.  Faced with a nasty looking wound, the primary concern is to clean the wound to prevent infection taking hold.

During the healing process it is important to manage the wound to try to limit the degree of scarring. Once a scab forms it prevents the new skin tissue from growing flush with the surface of the existing skin, which results in the formation of a scar.

The site of the wound can have a big influence on the likelihood of a lasting reminder of the injury. Wounds on the body have plenty of loose skin that can easily be knitted back together with a minimum of new skin formation required, causing less scarring. Injuries to the lower limbs can be more difficult to manage, as there is little or no loose flesh, which inhibits healing.

To help reduce the risk of scarring it is essential to take steps to aid rapid healing.

  • Clean the wound as soon as possible with a saline solution or a level teaspoon of salt per pint of previously boiled water.

  • Provide a moist environment. Wounds heal more quickly in a moisture controlled environment. The new epithelial cells can move around more easily, allowing the damaged tissue to repair quickly.

  • Maintain optimum temperature which is typically achieved by applying a dressing, insulating and protecting with Veterinary Gamgee® and bandaging.

  • By ensuring faster healing this will limit the formation of a scab and reduce the likely hood of scarring.

Vetalintex® is easy to apply and has excellent donation and absorption properties which have been found to maintain optimum hydration levels. The hydrogel is presented sterile for optimum infection control and has a gentle cleansing action.

Robinson Animal Healthcare has a wide range of products for all your first aid requirements.

For more information contact Robinson Animal Healthcare on  01909 735000 
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