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Says Adrienne Yentis

Says Adrienne YentisA friend of mine recently was riding on the heath
and she came across a group of cattle strung out across the bridlepath with no way through – the only way off was to turn round. Fortunately her horse
remained calm throughout. But you can imagine how a nervous horse might react ........... read more

Dacorum Borough Council, Herts.

Application by "Save Your Berkhamsted Residents Association" to register land known as 'Egerton Rothesay School Playing Field' Berkhamsted Hertfordshire as a Town or Village Green

Tony Barnett writes to Paulette Tedd, Legal Governance Team Leader

"The land is registered, but it does not belong to you and therefore you are not entitled to decide its future".

Says Tony Barnett

Says Tony Barnett Without title deeds, any other claim to title of land is not conclusive, perhaps, to satisfy yourself it will be best to have the documentation examined by a conveyance solicitor, my experience in this subject is, there is no proof/evidence to pre-date 1189 to show freehold status, the land registry, unless the land was registered under the 1925/36 Law of Property act, then the area you describe as yours, by just disclosing any other document to the land registry, without title deeds, then the land is registered, but it does not belong to you and therefore you are not entitled to decide its future, not much point in getting upset either.

This, as with other ancient "rights of way", will be open to the public nationally for opinion and support to those that wish to keep rights of way in the hands of the public.

Tony Barnett writes to Richard Holland, PINS

"Evidence can be shown that the "access" has been used in excess of 20 years"

Says Tony Barnett

In support of the applicants to have land used as of rights of access to open access land, which cannot be shown to be owned by Dacorum Borough council, but evidence can be shown that the "access" has been used in excess of 20 years being land between 62 Tresco Rd and 63 Ridgeway, as of right, without force, secrecy or with permission to reach land "known" as Egerton Rothsay School Playing Fields, an open access land used as of right for at least 120 years.

The application to register this land as a town or a village green should be permitted in the absence of any conclusive evidence to show that the land is owned by the local authority, contrary to the claims by/of the objectors

Says Linda WrightSays Linda Wright

We moved to a Shropshire location a year ago having surveyed the local OS map and noted the significant number of bridleways around the property. Sadly the map appears a total fiction. Scarce any of the bridleways are usable ........... read more

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