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Says Naomi Smith

Says Naomi SmithIt is all too possible to round a corner on horseback and come upon a group of cattle with no prior warning -this WILL result in a horse being badly spooked at best, bolting at worst -it is only a matter of time ........... read more

Common Land Forestry Rights

Tony Barnett writes to Mr.Hodgson, Forestry Commission

"Please may I have the documents requested to show rights by the forestry claimed "

Says Tony Barnett

Says Tony Barnett The central government papers does not mention charging Tol on common lands that do not come under Manor waste/demsne lands of the Lord or other owner, under s 193, an owner of common land that is rural may direct the public to ancient rights of way, and may not extinguish those rights, this information would have been registered under the 1925 law of property act, and evidence of this may be applied to for disclosure where there might be court procedure should the owner prefer charges, or article 7 of the human rights act comes into play "No punishment without law".

I refer also to the claims that the forestry is not subject to FOI, here again he is wrong as the forestry is "" this states that your are a government office and as such the forestry is subject to FOI as are all government bodies.

The land registry only hold records of registration, and in this case it will show that the secretary of state/maff only hold the common land forestry by Aquirement, not requisition or leasehold of the common land, as common land has access, free from impediments from all points of view,commoners rights are registered under the 1965 act and rights are taken over the entire common land, with obligations to forestry damage.

May I ask that a full search of the commons register is carried out, you may find that any member of the equestrian fraternity are able to take these matters further subject to harassment or injury to horse and rider, this will bring any forestry worker who demands Tol and makes the statement without a permit there is no insurance, ancient rights of way for horses and ancient rights of way by the public for access is by choice and private insurance will cover mishaps.

There is no insurance company I have discovered will not insure accidents on common land.

Now, please may i have the documents requested to show rights by the forestry claimed? as ownership has been claimed, then titled deeds, conveyance and insurance certificate, plus anyother document that you would normally rely on in disputes/court for Alice Holt, Bramshill, Wareham and Moreton forest/woods.

Says Linda Wright

Says Linda WrightWe moved to a Shropshire location a year ago having surveyed the local OS map and noted the significant number of bridleways around the property. Sadly the map appears a total fiction. Scarce any of the bridleways are usable ........... read more

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