The Battle for Broxhead Common

Says Maureen:
“I think this must be the biggest Government cover up ever, of a crooked Council that steals the peoples common land!  Disgraceful.”

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 12
  1. Because of the continuing objections to the Order, Public Inquiry took place on:
  2. 21st March 1989. The Report of the Principal Rights of Way Officer for HCC makes interesting reading, if only because at paragraph 8 he says, “At that time, Hampshire County Council, as lessees of 100 acres of Broxhead Common, were in the process of implementing part of an Order from the Court of Appeal dated 24th May 1978.
    Bill Bide Principal ROW Officer HCC March 89 PI15072019
  3. This is misleading because the CA had ordered nothing other than the dismissal of the case from that Court. However the Schedule, that is the agreement the Parties had come to, was not being implemented correctly. HCC were cherry picking the parts they wanted to and ignoring the instruction to apply to the Secretary of State for the fencing. However, as we would see, if a story is repeated often enough and particularly if it is by a government authority, the inclination is to accept it as the truth. Time after time HCC would say that they had been ordered to remove the 80 acres of Broxhead Common, by the Court of Appeal, or the High Court, although very recently that has changed slightly to the Chief Commons Commissioner! That is FALSE INFORMATION, but we didn’t know that then of course.

Next time: The Planning Inspector gives his decision.