The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Old Highway of Cradle Lane on Broxhead Common

The Old Highway of Cradle Lane on Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 129

I tried once more to save the path for everyone by writing to the Access Team Leader of Hampshire County Council.

On 1st July 2009, I received a reply that politely told me that if anything needed doing, I should do it myself and that Broxhead did not qualify as a Section 193 LPA 1925 common. Thus, ignoring once again Planning Inspector Mark Yates and now Susan Doran.
2009 Alex Lewis letter

However, on 3rd April 2009 Hampshire County Council had made it clear that they were now officially objecting to their own Order for a bridleway across the common land.
2009 -4-3 from Planning Inspectorate

I emailed my County Councillor and included the Head of Information Compliance. I asked:

  1. Was it the Councillor’s or the Officer’s who had decided to contest the Order from the Secretary of State?
  2. The Order had been made so why were HCC about to waste taxpayers’ money by initiating further litigation to remove it?
  3. HCC had suggested that I make the application in the public interest therefore, it would satisfy the Judicial Review concerns about road safety concerning the proximity of the gun club.
  4. The path is shown on their Rights of Way Improvement Plan so what is the point of getting a Definitive Map Modification Order only for them to object to it?
  5. Why is HCC showing no concern for general health in terms of activity and obesity as well as green infrastructure which are both positively addressed by the Order?
1787 Commissioners map part showing Broxhead Common

1787 Commissioners map part showing Broxhead Common

Next time: Shall lure it back to cancel half a line.