The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 20
  1. 15TH April 1992, is the date of a letter from the Office of the Commons Commissioners to a Mrs Bobby Lake.
    They confirm that the Commissioner for the Ownership hearing held on 22nd November 1990, had found the scale of the Map too small for the purposes of his Decision on the ownership inquiry which he held under Section 8 of the 1965 Act. For this reason, in giving his Decision he adopted larger scale plans supplied to him by the various claimants.
    CC to Bobby Lake20102020
  2. The question needs to be asked why the Registration Authority took it upon themselves to draw a much larger, “too large to copy map” showing the excluded 80 acres and then did not present it at this hearing?
  3. The Clerk also confirms that the Land Registry are correct in asserting that so far as the question of ownership of land is concerned their authority over-rides that of the Commons Commissioner.
  4. Mr Whitfield did not register ownership with the Land Registry until 2002.
  5. But we are getting ahead of the case. Let’s go back now to December 1991, and see what happened at the Public Inquiry into HCC’s third Order for the diversion of bridleways 4 & 46.

Next time: The Public Inquiry opens with a statement from the Hampshire County Council, Rights of Way Manager.