The Battle for Broxhead Common

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 103
  1. In June 1964 the Estate Manager for Headley Wood Farm wrote a letter to the Clerk of Headley Parish Council. In this he says he has taken from the public rights of way map at Alton RDC, the public paths which people should use. One of these is the path around the Free Piece which is rented by the Forestry Commission.
    1964 Porter re paths14112020_0001
  2. However, twenty-four years later towards the end of 1988, the large heavy iron gates at each end of that path, the only one available for horse riders to get to BW46 from Picketts Hill, were locked.
    1962 map shows path around the woodland07012022
  3. 3rd January 1989 I wrote to Mr Whitfield in my capacity of Chairman of Kingsley Parish Council. It is the only time I have contacted him directly. I asked if he could see his way to permitting a link from BW46 across the common so that horse riders would have a direct crossing of the A325 near Sleaford. This could be incorporated during the expected road refurbishment.
    1989 MC to Whitfield
  4. 25th January 1989 I receive a reply. The answer is negative.
    Whitfield to MC
  5. On 27th January 1989 I received another letter from the Headley Wood Farm Manager. It said the gates to the path around the Free Piece were to be locked permanently.
    1989 letter Headley Wood closure of the only access to BW46 Broxhead Common19092018
  6. No reasons were given.
  7. It meant that horse riders coming from the Alice Holt Forest area would only be able to gain access to the common by using about 2/3 miles of the local road network, perfectly described by The Planning Inspector D. T. Bryant at the Public Inquiry 1997 as a ‘Tolkien’ like area of narrow, twisty country lanes (which are unsuitable for joint user) …’.
  8. Considering it had been stated that this was a public path shown on the Alton RDC rights-of-way map, the question needs to be asked as to why Hampshire County Council did not do their duty under s.130 Highways Act 1980 concerning obstructed public rights of way?
Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Next time: Correspondence.