The Battle for Broxhead Common

BW46 BROXHEAD COMMON sign after application for bw's

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 33
  1. 10th January 2007, I receive a letter from Hampshire County Council telling me that the Regulatory Committee has refused my application for a bridleway from BW54 to Cradle Lane.
    2008 Claim BW54 to Cradle PLAN03022021
  2. One of the reasons is that “The Lease Agreement between the landowner and the county Council, does not give horse riders a right of access to Broxhead Common” This statement completely ignores the decision of Planning Inspector, Mark Yates to my previous claim for bridleways on Broxhead Common.
  3. 24th January 2007, I appeal this ill-informed decision to the National Rights of Way Casework Team in Newcastle under Paragraph 4 of Schedule 14 to the WCA 1981.
  4. 3rd January 2008, the decision of Planning Inspector, Susan Doran says she concludes that Hampshire County were not justified in their decision to refuse to make the Order and allows my appeal.
    And that should have been that.
  5. Except it was not because,
  6. Hampshire County Council made the Order for the bridleway but then immediately objected to their own Order. !!??
  7. The making of the Order for the bridleway constituted a material change to the circumstances and as such the matter should have returned to the Regulatory Committee for further discussion. But it was not. In not following protocol the Officers were avoiding a democratic decision.

Next time: Locals know that HCC like to have their own way. Their address is The Castle, Winchester but jokingly referred to as The Castle, Westminster. Except this is now no joke.