The Battle for Broxhead Common

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 102
  1. It transpired that Hampshire County Council, despite HPC’s request for clarity, had already made an application for the diversions of BW4 and BW 46 in 1982. However, it was refused in December 1984 by the Planning Inspectorate. The. reason was because they had made a mistake by showing part of one of the proposed bridleways as footpath on the Order plan.
    Broxhead BW 4 and 46 1984
  2. 7th December 1984. Clerk to Kingsley Parish Council wrote to HCC requesting a copy of the rejected plan but unfortunately there were none.
  3. This exposes a lack of transparency and openness and accountability within Hampshire County Council (HCC) because they had not notified the neighbouring parish councils or consulted widely before making the Order?
  4. Hampshire County Council tried again by making another Order for the diversions of BW4 and BW46 in 1987. Again, we had asked for FP54 to be upgraded to bridleway to provide legal access to Broxhead Common from Picketts Hill. The path had originally been a bridleway but was downgraded during the 1965 Quinquennial revue of the Definitive Map in 1965 because, it was said, of objection by the Forestry Commission. As it turned out there were no records to support this at either HCC or the Forestry Commission although reference can be found in the HPC minutes.
    11.11.65 FC oppose upgrade
  5. Again, the Planning Inspector refused on the grounds that he does not have the power to make good Orders which would otherwise be incapable of confirmation because they are defective in a matter of substance.
    1989 Planning Inspectorate 198830082020.pdf LASLETT
  6. Hampshire County Council made a third Order to divert the bridleways in 1990. (see Parts 1- 23 this series).
  7. But by then the so-called landowner had fenced horse riders out of the common by locking a gate to the only access we had on a path around the edge of the FREEPIECE adjacent to the Forestry Commission nursery.
Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Broxhead Heathland BW 46 on the second and final time it was cleared during the last 45 years.

Next time: The Gates on Broxhead Common