The Battle for Broxhead Common

BW47 after the field crossing another gate to a very narrow path.

BW47 after the field crossing another gate to a very narrow path.

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 71
  1. 7TH December 1973. John Ellis writes an update to members of the Broxhead Commoners Association.
    Apparently someone has written to one of their members suggesting that the BCA are not being as open as they could be, because very little time had been spent at their last meeting considering Mr Whitfield’s conditions for permitting the use of some of the common land for a football field. Some think they are feasible and worth looking at.
  2. To make the position clear John Ellis writes another newsletter to BCA members. He explains Mr Whitfield’s conditions for permitting use of some common land for a football field. In return it is suggesting that:
    • All the commoners to give up their Rights of common.
    • Fence with barbed wire the entire common
    • Extend the existing illegal fences
    • Destroy all the gorse, heather, trees, wild life and flowers to make way for Agricultural Development

    1973 December JE Message to BCA_000017

  3. John Ellis says:
    WE CANNOT AGREE TO SUCH CONDITIONS and makes the point that the matter is about the registration of the common land which has nothing to do with a cricket/football pitch.
  4. Mr Whitfield has now set up a ‘working party’ to help achieve his plans.
  5. Christmas comes and goes and the New Year brings yet more problems.
BW47 After crossing the fields through another gate and a very narrow path

BW47 After crossing the fields through another gate and a very narrow path

BW47 through the field. With horses either side and a barbed wire fence presents a problem.

BW47 through the field. With horses either side and a barbed wire fence presents a problem.

Next time: A football field or common land – The Deal – Intimidating the Community.