The Battle for Broxhead Common

Gate on BW4 which seems to be permanently stuck in the sand, with part of the 80 acres beyond.

Gate on BW4 which seems to be permanently stuck in the sand, with part of the 80 acres beyond.

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 27

16th September 2003 is the date of my letter to HCC Estates after I noticed some clearance work being done on part of the common. Sadly, no reply received.
2003 HCC Claire Beverley re land opposite rifle range27022021

January 2005. My claim for Bridleways on Broxhead Common was taken up for research.
2005 Objection letter from Whitfield05022021

  1. 18th January 2005. It did not take long for one of the first letters of objection to arrive from Mr A. G. P Whitfield, the ‘said’ landowner.
  2. First to note in this letter is “Broxhead is vitally important to wildlife and contains habitats and features that cannot be recreated, it is in unfavorable condition and declining, so it is therefore important to ensure that this sight (sic) is not lost it continues to be managed for its wildlife interest, thus forming a vital component of the biodiversity of Hampshire. For this very reason, the common has been leased to Hampshire County Council (HCC) ….”
  3. The question which arises from this is, why then has he not followed the Schedule to the Consent Order and either sought authorisation for the fencing or more in keeping with the sentiments expressed here, removed the fences around the 80 acres altogether?
  4. Why is it in an unfavourable ‘condition and declining’ when the Hants and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust has been well funded to manage the whole common since 1978?
  5. He goes on to say on page 2 of this letter: “but I strongly object to the notion that this narrow corridor of Hampshire be subjected to any further heavy equine traffic just to satisfy the whims of a handful of local jockeys. Indeed, English Nature objected to proposals for new bridleways back in 1999, I feel confident that their views will not have changed on the basis that this proposal is in direct conflict with the management principles for conservation of this SSSI.”
  6. Obviously, a close relationship here with English Nature but no thought to the ‘benefit of the neighbourhood’, and no mention of the Commoners.

NEXT TIME: ENGLISH NATURE objects at local level but then HQ supports!!??