The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 44
  1. Even though I was by now the County Bridleways Officer for The British Horse Society and therefore dealing with the numerous other problems encountered by riders in Hampshire on Rights of Way etc. I did not contact them again until a year later.
  2. 29th October 2013. I had spotted a snippet in a local newspaper from Nicki Paton of Area Team North Hants, telling people to get in touch if they needed help with anything. I emailed a request for a pro forma of who does what in the Countryside Department of HCC so that I knew who to contact should the need arise in my voluntary job as County Bridleways Officer. Such lists had always been forthcoming previously but the one which I already had, was out of date.
    2014 Area Team North Hants.pdf Nicky Paton
  3. 6th January 2014, to my surprise a reply comes not from Nicki Paton but from ccbbs.foi.hants. ??? It attaches 37 pages containing 217 positions in Countryside, but only the seven names of the Managers!?
    2014 pro forma FW_ Structure chartCountryside Service Organisation Structure – FOI names redacted_(HF00000…_(HF000005953612) (002) 2014 FOI – 6837 – Comber – Formal Response – for pro forma 2014-01-06_(HF000005956326) (002)
  4. I respond immediately asking if all these positions are filled as there are no names save for the seven managers. Please could she provide contacts for North and Central Areas. I am trying not to bother Managers with everyday problems which the Officers are quite capable of dealing with.
    Re_ FOI – 6837 – Comber Formal Response
  5. 31st January 2014 By way of reply I receive the ASBO accusing me of ‘Unreasonable complainant behaviour’ and harassment of members of the Countryside Team.????????
    HCC ASBO Contact – 1214 – Comber – Formal Declaration – 2014-01-31_(HF000006116112)
  6. It looks as if I am also carrying the can for the many other people who cannot get a resolution to the numerous problems, by the repeated mention of ‘my associates’. Their letter is full of misleading and false information. I had, as instructed made no mention of Broxhead Common or any other common land in my latest enquiry,

Next time: Read my letter of response.