The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 45
  1. 31st January 2014. I am so concerned with the apparent lack of Democracy that I write to my MP. Looking back, I see Dominic Raab gets a mention.
    2014 to Damian Hinds Original Message
  2. 1st February 2014 I receive an email from an unexpected source.
    2014 Jim C to Damian Hinds
  3. 3rd February 2014, I reply to HCC’s letter and accept the offer of an Internal Review. Maybe this is the chance to try to explain the matter face to face.
  4. 17th February 2014, I receive a reply. Apparently, it has now been decided that the matter is not suitable for an ‘Internal Review’.
    2014 Feb. MC reply to HCC ASBO15032021
  5. I was therefore left with no alternative save to apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office. But that turned out to be another long and frustrating road with a very narrow focus. The Commissioner thought that it was possible that HCC were right to say that I only wanted the contacts so that I could pursue the matter of Broxhead Common, although how junior officers could possibly help with such a complicated matter over and above the Senior Managers, is not explained. He says:
    “The Commissioner’s decision has only been made in regards of the request that has been refused and has not been made in respect of any other requests for information that the complainant has made or may choose to make in the future”.
    “In this case the Commissioner has identified that the council provided its response outside 20 working days, and therefore breached the requirement of section 10(1).But let us stay focused on the common land.

Next time: A problem with the Wildlife Trusts.