The Battle for Broxhead Common

BW46 BROXHEAD COMMON sign after application for bw's

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 30
  1. It was difficult to see how there could be insufficient evidence of use for my claim. We were submitting user evidence from twelve horse riders which went back well beyond the 20 years required. Then of course there were the claims from the 1965 Public Inquiry about bridleways in general across the common land.
    1965 evidence of use, Broxhead05022021
  2.  20th December 2005, I receive a letter from the Government Office for the North East attaching another letter of objection from the ‘said’ landowner.
    2005 Objection letters from Whitfield05022021
  3. 3rd August 2005 I write to my County Councillor asking who is responsible for putting all the ‘no horse riding’ signs on Broxhead Common while the appeal is still active.
    They are also in direct contravention to the Regulatory Committee’s promise to improve horse riding on Broxhead Common.
    2006 email to County Cllr. re signs on common17022021
  4.  12th August 2006 the date of a letter to HCC Chief Executives from the County Bridleways Officer for The British Horse Society, Brenda King. She was chasing a response from the Director of Recreation and Heritage on how Broxhead Common could be managed for the benefit of horse riders. A response which never transpired, so yet another promise broken.
    2006 August Brenda King letter to Chief Executives08122020

Next time: Planning Inspector, Mark Yates gives his decision.