The Battle for Broxhead Common

2024 C102 near Cradle Lane exit

2024 C102 near Cradle Lane exit

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 128
  1. The Order for a bridleway link between Cradle Lane and BW54 on Broxhead Common meant that the dangerous bends on the C102 could now be avoided, and the horse riders would be safely off-road if the firing of guns from the rifle range spooked them.
  2. However, the joy of my success was soon overshadowed by the news that Hampshire County Council intended to OBJECT to its own Order.
  3. In May 2007, I was elected the District Councillor for Selborne Ward, East Hampshire, so hoped I might know the people who might have some influence.
  4. 12th December 2008, naturally I lost no time seeking answers from Ray Ellis, Executive Member for Efficiency, Performance and Rural Policy of Hampshire County Council.
  5. On 17th December 2008, I emailed my County Councillor, copied in the Leader and Deputy Leader of East Hampshire District Council and asked who had made such a decision and why.
    2008_17_12 Email to Mark K-G
  6. On 16th January 2009, having not received a reply I emailed my County Councillor again, copying in HCC’s Head of Information Compliance, and this time asked for more detail.
    2009_16_01 Email to Mark K-G
  7. 6th February 2009 a reply came from the Executive Member for Efficiency, Performance and Rural Policy.
    2009 From Cllr Ray Ellis re Order 54 to Cradle Lane27022021
  8. 12th February 2009 having had no positive responses I wrote to confirm my appeal under Paragraph 4(1) of Schedule 14 to the Council’s refusal to add a bridleway between Cradle Lane and BW54 in the Parish of Headley.
  9. 14th February 2009 I replied to Ray Ellis’s letter asking him to clarify some of his points.
    2009_14_02 Email to Cllr Ray Ellis
  10. 15th February 2009 As a long shot I wrote to the Chair of the Regulatory Committee with whom I had a passing acquaintance.
    2009-15-02 Email to Cllr Pat Devereau
  11. 23rd February 2009 Ray Ellis replied but it was an exact copy of his previous letter. He did not seem to understand that a material change had occurred since the only decision of the Regulatory Committee.
    2009_23_02 Email from Cllr Ray Ellis
C102 Gun Club on left

C102 Gun Club on left

Next time: Nor all thy Piety nor Wit……