The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council

The Case for Hampshire County Council

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 83
  1. 27th July 1977, in the meantime Headley Parish Council minutes record that the gates of BW47 were causing problems as predicted.
    1977 Headley PC 27.7.77 4 GATES ON BW47
  2. 13th September 1977 is the date of a letter from Hampshire County Council to Kingsley Parish Council. It says that although a commoner’s rights have been upheld Mr Whitfield has lodged another appeal against the rights of this commoner pending negotiations to settle the continuing dispute. To avoid further substantial legal costs Hampshire County Council and Mr Whitfield are negotiating to settle the continuing dispute.
    1977 September HCC to Kingsley PC_000037

    • The County Council has been requested by Mr Whitfield to consider a suggestion he should apply to the Secretary of State for the Environment for consent to fence a part or parts of Broxhead that he owns. However, at this time no definitive proposal exists.
    • He goes on to give more background to the case because he is seeking the view of the Parish Council.
    • The letter shows that Hampshire County Council are fully aware of the need for the fences to be authorised by the Secretary of State.
  3. 26th September 1977 minutes of the Headley Parish Council show that Mr Whitfield has approached the Hampshire County Council with his proposals for Broxhead Common which has been forwarded to Headley Parish Council.
  4. 27th September 1977, Headley Parish Council remain hostile to the proposals and again the request the removal of the unauthorised fencing.
    1977 HPC 26.9.77 say no to fencing proposal
  5. 29th September 1977 Kingsley Parish Council write to Hampshire’s County Secretary in response to the above letter by saying that the Parish Council is opposed to any type of fencing as it keeps the commoners off.
    Kingsley Parish Council to HCC 197713082020
  6. 18th October 1977 Headley Parish Council consider the proposals in the letter from Hampshire County Council and resolve that they would not lend their support to the proposal and would like to see the existing fences removed as they are still unauthorised.
    1977 Headley Parish Council to HCC 197713082020

Next time: A reply from the County Secretary to Kingsley Parish Council.