The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for the County Council – PART 8
  1. 4th May 1979 is the date of the Final Determination Notice (FDN) sent to Whitehill Parish Council. It shows the whole common is registered.
    Whitehill FDN
    Unfortunately, the Parish Council minute books for 1976-1979 are missing so it is not possible to see if there was any discussion about Broxhead Common.
  2. 1st August 1979, the land section of the Commons Register notes that, “The land registration at entry No.3, which was disputed, became final on 24th day of May 1978…. with the exclusion of 80 acres.” That is not correct because on that day and at that time the Chief Commons Commissioner’s Decision was affirmed as stated in the Consent Order. The same Consent Order which HCC says is ordering them to extract the 80 acres!
    Broxhead Registration LAND FDN 22082020
  3. They have become so obsessed with their ‘settlement’ that they seem oblivious to the actual legal protocol.

It now appears that the land is being stolen from the Commoners’ and as a Public Amenity.

Next time:  Guy Robinson, the Chairman of Headley and District Bridleways Group writes a scathing letter to HCC’s Principal Rights of Way Officer.