The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 15
  1. In the meantime, I wrote to everyone I could think of who could help to restore the lost link of the bridleway.
  2. 6th and 29th October 1989, I receive replies from Sir James Scott, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire. He says he remembers the problem from his involvement with Rights of Way and hopes that the Nature Conservancy Council will not be too selfish and narrow minded over their common!!??
    Scott Sir James of Rotherfield14092020.pdf 29 OCT 1989
    Sir James Scott 6.10.1989
  3. 20th February 1990 I wrote again to my MP Michael Mates asking for help in getting a bridleway on to Broxhead Common from the C102. A reply came to him on:
  4. 7th March 1990 from the Assistant County Secretary, Edward Mason in which he says: “The only stumbling block in the way of achieving this additional bridleway is the Nature Conservancy Council” !!
    Broxhead Correspondence 1980-90_0009.jpgEDWARD MASON RE NCC
  5. 26th April 1990 Christine Witherby, one of the local horse riders wrote to Bill Bide about the lack of a bridleway link or circular ride on Broxhead Common. He replied on:
  6. 26th April 1990. He says the NCC say there is no reason why a route should not be cleared on scientific grounds, but they do not wish to encourage horse riders on to the common which is sensitive in ecological terms! 3
    Bide to Witherby re NCC & Broxhead_1990 0002 (5)

Next time:  It seems the Quangos are taking control and over-riding democracy with the support of the local councils?